Urgent Upgrade Info

Segment 1 Title: A Quick Intro, and The 3 Market Animal types

(2 minutes, 28 seconds)

Segment 2 Title: NEW Types of Safer 'Tortoise' Accounts

(3 minutes, 3 seconds)

Segment 3 Title: Annuity Returns pre-2021, versus Today

(3 minutes, 2 seconds)

Segment 4 Title: Upgrades Available NOW with 100% Penalty Free withdrawals

(3 minutes, 37 seconds)

Segment 5 Title: 3 Common Features of ALL Accounts you can Customize

(2 minutes, 10 seconds)

Segment 6 Title: 3 Zero-Fee Annuity Upgrades

(5 minute2s, 39 seconds)

Segment 7 Title: 100% Penalty Free Withdrawals in Safer Buffered ETFs

(2 minutes, 36 seconds)

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